Swagman Story

Once upon a time there was a swagman called Jim. He lived on a farm in south Australia. Jim had a dog called bob who lived on the farm to.

When Jim woke upon the morning it was a cold windy day and his dog was missing. Jim became upset because he could not find Bob anywhere. Jim decided to go for a walk to find Bob. Before Jim left the house he grabbed his coat beanie and scarf and then walked out the door. Jim looked all over the farm but couldn’t find Bob so Jim decided to walk to the deli to get dog food to try and see if Bob would come. When Jim arrived at the deli he walked inside and bought dog food. Jim then went home and went through the front door and grabbed Bob’s bowl. He went out the back door and he poured some dog food into Bob’s bowl and then Jim went back outside. Next minute Jim heard scratching at the door. Jim yelled out “Who is it?” and Bob barked. Jim went to the back door and opened and Bob was there. Jim felt so happy to see Bob. Jim let Bob in and they went to sleep.